
Our Services

Wedding Album Printinga

There’s nothing quite like heart whelming to look through your wedding day by going back to your favourite memories. Now cherish your wedding memories forever by documenting it in the most appealing way with Alukkas color Lab.

Calendar Printinga

Celebrate each month differently by filling out your calendar with memories. Add birthdays and events to your calendar and let your loved ones remind you every day.


A single word looks perfect either at the top or the bottom of the frame, but a picture makes a frame perfect everywhere! Design your pictures with the frames you prefer.

Pendrive Boxa

Cras sed justo maximus, mattis ligula id, blandit mi. Praesent nec suspendisse magna tellus

Nunc eget dictum lorem, vitae congue neque. Duis porttitor nulla ante scelerisque suscipit. Mauris at ante turpis. Donec mollis, orci hasellus molestie gravida, turpis orci semper ante vehicula, sit amet fringilla mi nulla eu erat. In quam ligula, vulputate egestas leo.

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